IRL 421 – Comparative IR Systems II Cliff Donn
Le Moyne College Office RH-228, Phone Ext. 4339
Fall 2004


The focus of the course is on alternative approaches to the structuring of labor-management relations in different parts of the world (everywhere except for the economically advanced nations of Western Europe and North America). The emphasis will be on the similarities and differences between the overseas systems and the United States system. There will also be some discussion of transnational industrial-relations institutions.


The text book for this course is Industrial Relations Around the World, by Rothman, Briscoe and Nacamulli. Additional readings from a variety of other sources are on reserve at the library. In preparing papers, you may find it necessary to consult off-campus libraries (Syracuse or Cornell). The International Labour Review is the basic journal in this field. Other English language journals which are useful but most of which our library does not receive include the British Journal of Industrial Relations, the New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, the Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, the Journal of Industrial Relations (Australia), and Economic and Industrial Democracy.


All students will take a comprehensive final examination at noon on Tuesday, December 14. In addition, each student will write two papers during the course of the semester. There will also be an optional mid-term examination. For those who choose to take the mid-term examination the papers will each count 20% of the final grade as will the mid-term with the final examination counting 40%. For those who do not opt to take the mid-term examination, the papers will each count 30% of the final grade and the final examination will again count 40%. There will also be periodic internet assignments which must be completed accurately and in a timely manner in order to pass the course.


If you have a documented disability and you wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the instructor during the first week of class.


Paper I Outline September 13
Paper I  September 29
Mid-term Examination October 8
Paper II Outline November 10
Paper II November 22
Final Examination Dec 14 (Tuesday) 12:00-2:30 PM


(* before a topic means it will NOT be covered in class)
I. Introduction  
-- A-Course Introduction Aug 30
-- B-Approaches to Comparative Studies Sep 1,3,8
II. The Advanced Capitalist Economies  
-- A-The U.S. Model Transplanted: The Case of Japan Sep 10,13,15,17,20
-- B-Arbitration in a Federal System: The Case of Australia Sep 22,24,27,29, Oct 1,4
--*C–From Arbitration to Deregulation: The Case of New Zealand  
III. Less Developed and Newly Industrializing Economies  
-- A-Underdevelopment in Asia: The Case of India Oct 6,13,15,18
-- B–Underdevelopment in Africa: The Case of Nigeria Oct 20,22,25
-- C-Underdevelopment South of the Border: The Case of Mexico Oct 27,29, Nov 1
--D-Bargaining in a Politically Unstable System: The Case of Argentina Nov 3,5 
--*E-A Former U.S. Colony: The Case of the Philippines  
--*F-From War to Prosperity: The Case of South Korea  
IV. Worker Participation Systems  
-- A-The Union as Management: The Case of Israel Nov 8,10,12
V. Industrial Relations in the One Party State  
--A-Ideologically Controlled Trade Unionism: The Case of the of China Nov 15,17,19
--*B-Government Controlled Unions: The Case of Singapore  
VI. Industrial Relations and Political Transformation  
-- A-Trade Unionism and the Transformation to Majority Rule: The Case of South Africa Nov 22,29, Dec 1
--*B-Independent Trade Unionism: The Case of Poland  
--*C-The Transformation from Market Socialism to Democratic Market Capitalism: the Case of Hungary  
VII. Transnational Industrial-Relations Issues  
-- A-International Labor Bodies: The I.C.F.T.U., the W.F.T.U, and the International Trade Secretariats Dec 3,6
-- B - Trilateralism: The International Labour Organization Dec 8
VIII. Conclusions Dec 10



I expect that you will come to class each day on time, having done the reading assignment and any assigned computer work and prepared to participate by asking and answering questions and by expressing your opinions. I expect that you will ask questions about anything you don't understand. I expect that assignments will be done and turned in on time and that they will reflect the best work you can do. I expect that you will contact me if you are having any problems in the course or if you are having personal problems which may affect your performance in the course. Overall, I expect you to work hard at getting the most out of this course that you possibly can. In accordance with the policies of the New York State Department of Education which accredits Le Moyne College, you can expect to be assigned two to three hours of outside work for each hour of class time in the course.


You can expect that I shall come to class on time each day having thought about and prepared the material. You can expect that I shall answer your questions to the best of my ability and that your opinions will be heard with respect. You can expect that your papers and exams will be graded carefully and returned in a timely manner and that you will be given an explanation of why you receive the grades you receive. You can expect that I shall make time to se e you if you need to see me and that I shall keep regular office hours.


A serious commitment to learning and a serious effort toward that end.


The successful student in this course will be familiar with the basic structure of labor-management relations in a variety of developed and less developed countries around the world.  The student will be able to compare and contrast institutions and policies in those countries and will be able to compare and contrast those institutions and policies with those of the United States.  The student should be able to evaluate critically media accounts of industrial-relations developments overseas.


I. A. Approaches

Optional: II. A. Japan


B. Australia

Optional: *C. New Zealand III. A. India Optional: B. Nigeria Optional: C . Mexico Optional:

D. Argentina

Optional: *E. The Philippines *F. South Korea IV. A. Israel Optional: V. A. People's Republic of China Optional:

*B. Singapore

VI. A. South Africa Optional: *B. Poland *C. Hungary VII. A. International Labor Bodies Optional: B. International Labour Organization Optional: