Fred Glennon, Ph.D. (Courses)
Professor (RH 227)
Department of Religious Studies
Le Moyne College
Syracuse, New York 13214 
(315) 445-4774

REL 300


PARTICIPATION (Worth 15-25% of final grade)

One of the assumptions I make is that students learn best in cooperation with others. However, students do not always have the opportunity or the ability to do it. One of my goals is to enable students to work collaboratively with others by providing such opportunities. That is why the basic pedagogy in this class is cooperative learning: students working in various groups to teach and learn from one another. To pull this off, it is imperative that students be present and participate actively in their groups. The Participation Activity is one way of providing incentive to do so.

I also believe that students ought to be rewarded for effort as well as ability. Students often complain that, no matter how hard they work on an assignment, they can get no higher than a C or B. This leaves them disappointed and frustrated. Through your participation in this class, you have the opportunity to make an A for 15-25% of your grade. That is because the Participation Activity grade measures the effort you put into the class.

The student's grade for this activity will be determined by class attendance, class preparation, group participation, leading a class discussion, and participation in assessment activities. 

  • Attendance is critical if cooperative learning is to take place. Each student should expect to attend all classes. (But because students want to know how many classes they can miss, students in Section 01 who miss 4 or more classes will receive an F for this portion of their grade, and can expect repercussions on the other aspects of their participation grade. Students who miss 6 or more classes will receive an F for participation and students who miss 8 or more classes will receive an F for the course.  Students in Section 50 who miss 2 or more classes will receive an F for this portion of their grade, and can expect repercussions on the other aspects of their participation grade.  Students who miss 3 or more classes will receive an F for participation and students who miss 4 or more classes will receive an F for the course.
  • Class preparation will be judged on how well a student has prepared for the class.  Because the bulk of our time together will be spent in discussion, reading and coming prepared to discuss the reading is essential.  One way to demonstrate your preparation is to have one page summaries of the reading prepared.  They should include the central idea of the essay, three points drawn from the essay, and any questions you have about the text (click here for Reading Summary Sheet).  These should be done ahead of class and either sent electronically before class or turned in at the end of each class for credit.  Late summaries will not be accepted.
  • Group participation grades will be determined on the basis of peer evaluations from home group members according to the criteria of preparation, contribution, etc. 
  • The final portion of the participation grade will come from participation in classroom and extra classroom assessment activities. The purpose of these activities is to assess student learning as we proceed and to improve the teaching and classroom process.

HEALING RITUAL REPORT (Worth 15-25% of course grade)

This activity requires that students pick a spiritual/religious healing ritual to research, observe, and report about. As we discussed in class, religious traditions attempt to bring about healing, especially spiritual healing, to their adherents.  Healing for religious traditions means an attempt to restore a sense of balance or meaning whether or not physical healing has taken place.  Most recognize the connection between the spirit and the body and thus provide various ritualistic ways to enable healing for those who participate in the ritual.  Thus, there are two ways to approach this assignment.  You can either observe a particular healing ritual that a group has developed (such as Blessing of the Throat, a Reiki service, etc.) or you can observe a religious ritual, outside of your own tradition, and look for ways that it attempts to bring wholeness and healing (however broadly defined) to the participants.  In either case, you must first research the ritual and/or the religious group (the library has good resources), attend an observance of the ritual (record your reactions to it, intellectual, emotional, and aesthetic.), and then write a report that reflects a blending of your research and observations (be analytical not merely descriptive). In particular, focus on the symbolic, mythical, and/or worldview foundations and expressions in the ritual.

This activity can be done either by individuals or self-chosen groups of 3-5 people. If done in groups, every member must observe the ritual; however, the group should make only one report, with each member receiving the same grade for the report. In addition, group members will evaluate one another using the same criteria for other group evaluations.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • 1) Problemation. How well does the entire report hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction and conclusion? Organization?
  • 2) Insightfulness. This refers to the depth and quality of the analysis. Does the analysis make connections between the rituals observed and the meaning of the rituals to the participants? Do the points made in the analysis go beyond the obvious?
  • 3) Accuracy of interpretation. Does the analysis accurately interpret the sources and the ritual/service or are there distortions which seriously weaken the analysis?
  • 4) Mechanics (e.g. grammar, spelling, typos, paragraph structure, syntax, sentence structure, etc.).
  • 5) Clarity/articulateness

GROUP FINAL AND REFLECTION (Worth 15-25% of grade).

The material from which the exam questions will be taken is the readings and the class discussions. The final exam will be a group exam and will occur on the date of the scheduled final for your class. Further information on the content of the final exam and the evaluation criteria will be distributed at a later time.  (Click here to see the format for the group final.)

LIBRARY RESEARCH PAPER (Worth 0-25% of course grade).

This is a traditional research (term) paper. You are to select a topic of interest to you which is also related to the course topic, research it thoroughly, and generate a well-written and well-organized research paper. There are no length requirements, as the length will vary depending upon the nature and scope of the topic selected. But a paper in the range of 7-10 pages is average. This is to be a good research effort (at least 5 bibliographic sources). To aid you in this process, you may submit an outline and/or a first draft for comment and review. However, if you want comments on the draft, you must submit it prior to Easter Break.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a central thesis or theme which holds the entire paper together? Is  the paper logical? Is it well-organized? Is there an appropriate use of evidence to support points made?

·         2) Thoroughness. Have all the important sources been reviewed and critiqued? Have all the relevant questions/issues been addressed? Have counter-arguments (if appropriate) been presented and dealt with?

·         3) Insightfulness. Does the paper make points which go beyond the obvious?

·         4) Mechanics

·         5) Clarity/articulateness.

ORIGINAL RESEARCH PROJECT (Worth 0-25% of total course grade).

This is to be a small, but well-done, original research project. It can either duplicate a research project already done by a previous scholar or it may be completely original. It might include something like administering a questionnaire, doing intensive interviews, conducting an experiment, writing up a participant/observation research project, collecting and analyzing self-generated data, or the like. For most original research projects, it should begin with a review of the appropriate literature. After conducting the research it should be written up as would be done for any research paper.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a central thesis or theme which holds the entire paper together? Is the paper logical? Is is well-organized? Is there an appropriate use of evidence to support points made?

·         2) Thoroughness. Have all the important studies been reviewed and critiqued? Have all the relevant questions/issues been addressed? Have counterarguments (if appropriate) been presented and dealt with? Have areas for future investigation been identified?

·         3) Insightfulness. Does the paper make points which go beyond the obvious?

·         4) Mechanics

·         5) Appropriateness of research to the course

The final paper should be typed (double-spaced) and would be due no later than the last week of classes.

BOOK REVIEW ESSAY (Worth 0-25% of course grade).

This is a formal paper written critiquing several books on, generally, the same topic. Most book review essays review anywhere from three to five books (but this is not a hard-and-fast rule). The book review essay attempts to integrate the books while critiquing them around a common theme; the emphasis is on analysis, not description. The books may be selected from the references provided in the text.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a critical thesis or theme which holds the entire critique together? Are there subpoints which are logically connected to the critical thesis? Organization.

·         2) Insightfulness. This refers to the depth and quality of the analysis. Does the analysis come up with points which are more than descriptive and which lead to further insights? Do the points made in the critique go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Accuracy of interpretation. Does the critique accurately interpret the authors or are there distortions which seriously weaken the critique?

·         4) Mechanics

·         5) Clarity/articulateness


This activity requires that students choose one or more web sites that address the themes discussed in class (religion, health, healing, medical ethics, etc.). The student will review the materials on that subject present at the web site and write an analysis of the information found there (4-5 pages). Be sure to cite the web sites you analyze in the paper.  (Note: note all web sites are of the same quality. It is important that you search out the best ones for this activity, those that are affiliated with a particular institution whether it be academic, research, or advocacy group. Stay away from personal web sites. For suggestions on possible web sites, see the professor. Good search engines to use in this activity include Google ( and AltaVista (

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a critical thesis or theme which holds the entire analysis together? Are there subpoints which are logically connected to the critical thesis? Organization.

·         2) Insightfulness. This refers to the depth and quality of the analysis. Does the analysis come up with points which are more than descriptive and which lead to further insights? Do the points made in the analysis go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Accuracy of interpretation. Does the analysis accurately interpret the sources or are there distortions which seriously weaken the analysis?

·         4) Thoroughness. Are all the relevant sources at the web site reviewed? Have all the relevant questions/issues been addressed? Have counter-arguments (if appropriate) been presented and dealt with?

·         5) Clarity/articulateness


This activity requires that the student select an organization that works for social justice, especially around issues related to the health and well-being of people and communities (e.g. food banks, Catholic Social Services, women's health organizations, etc.). Talk with folks in the Campus Ministry office for possibilities. Arrange a visit to the organization to find out the mission and purpose of the organization, the population it serves or issues it addresses, and how they go about their work. In particular, focus on the values or beliefs that motivate their work. Then make a report on the organization which is not merely descriptive but analytical in that the report shows the connectedness between mission, beliefs/values, and organization. Moreover, you should include a critique of the organization from your perspective. This report can be written, but may use other media as well (such as photographs, videotape, etc.)

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Thoroughness. How well does the report show the mission and work of the organization in question? Does it make appropriate connections between the beliefs/values the organization professes and the work they do?

·         2) Insightfulness. Does the report make points about the organization that go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Accuracy of interpretation. Does the analysis accurately interpret the mission and purpose of the organization or are there major distortions which seriously weaken the report?

·         4) Support. Are the points made in the critique supported by examples, good reasoning, etc., or are they merely asserted?

·         5) Clarity/articulateness.

EXAMINATIONS (Worth 0-25% of grade).

For students who demonstrate their learning best through tests, this activity allows you to take one or more examinations on the material for the course. These exams are generally take-home essay exams, but I can include an objective component should the student desire. (However, this requires that the student set a time to come by my office to take the exam.) The material from which the questions, objective or essay, will be taken consists of assigned readings and class discussions.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire answer hang together? Is there a major point or thesis which is developed and are there sub-points which are logically connected to it? Is there an appropriate introduction and conclusion? Organization.

·         2) Insightfulness. Does the essay make points which go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Thoroughness. Have all the relevant questions/issues been addressed? Have counter-arguments (if appropriate) been presented and dealt with?

·         4) Mechanics

·         5) Clarity

FILM OR PLAY REVIEW(S) (Worth 0-15 % of grade).

There are many films and plays which have religious implications or relate to our topic of religion and healing (e.g. Vanilla Sky, Wit, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Shadowlands, John Q, The Spitfire Grill, Schindler's List, Leap of Faith, etc.). Unless otherwise specified the review(s) would take written form. The emphasis would be critical more than descriptive. Two film reviews must be done for this activity to count for 25% of grade.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a critical thesis or theme which holds the entire critique together? Organization.

·         2) Insightfulness. Do the points made in the critique go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Support. Are the points made supported by solid reasoning and support from the sources or are they merely asserted?

·         4) Mechanics

·         5) Clarity


This essay would be due toward the conclusion of the semester. In it you would link each of the texts used in the course around some integrative/analytical theme or thesis of your own devising. The emphasis is on analysis rather than mere description.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a critical thesis or theme which holds the entire essay together? Are there sub-points which are logically connected to the theme? Organization.

·         2) Insightfulness. This refers to the depth and quality of the analysis. Does the analysis come up with points which are more than description and lead us to further insights not already made in the books? Do the points made in the essay go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Support. Are the points made supported by examples, good reasoning, etc., or are they merely asserted?

·         4) Accuracy of interpretation. Does the critique accurately interpret the authors or are there major distortions which seriously weaken the essay?

·         5) Clarity/articulateness.

COURSE SYLLABUS (Worth 0-25% of grade).

Using the same materials used in this course (or other materials if you desire) you are to develop a course syllabus of your own. The syllabus should be accompanied by an EXTENSIVE and DETAILED justification statement which explains why you made the decisions you made---as such, it should include a brief statement of educational philosophy, explanations at points throughout the syllabus about how the philosophy has been operationalized, why you selected the books you did, why you selected the evaluation format you did, why you chose the attendance policy you did, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Thoroughness. Does the syllabus cover all aspects which should be covered in a course syllabus?

·         2) Clarity.

·         3) Insightfulness. Overall, does the justification statement indicate that considerable thought has been given to the project and do you come up with responses which reflect such thought?

·         4) Consistency and logic. Does the entire syllabus hang together as a single course? Are there inconsistencies in what is done in one place with what is done in another?

THOUGHT PAPERS (Worth 0-25% of grade).

These are short (3-5 pages) typed papers which are your reactions to things which have been happening in class or reactions to ideas you have come across elsewhere (e.g. in a book, in discussions with friends, etc.). The thoughts should be ORIGINAL and UNIQUE, they should not merely restate what others have said. These may or may not be distributed to the entire class depending upon whether you want them to be or not. They should be tightly focused and should concern themselves with only a single topic; as such, they should be logical and well-written. A minimum of three (3) must be submitted and due dates for each should be given.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a critical theme or central thesis which holds the paper together? Are there sub-points which are logically connected or related to the thesis? Is it well-organized? Is there an appropriate use of evidence to support points made?

·         2) Insightfulness. Does the paper make points which go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Clarity/articulateness. Are points made in such a way that they are easily understandable?

·         4) Originality.

JOURNAL (Worth 0-25% of grade).

A journal should include at least three entries per week and should be entries which have been generated by ideas which you have come across in class, readings, the interactions of those in class, etc, and they should be broadly on religious/spiritual dimensions of human experience. (In other words, don't write about your date on Friday Night unless you can discuss the religious aspects of it.) The journal entries may take several different forms---they could be highly analytical, they could be emotive, they could focus on one problem or issue throughout the entire semester, etc. Whatever form it takes it must be specified prior to beginning its writing.

The journal will be due twice during the semester; once around mid-term and once at the conclusion of the semester (unless otherwise specified). The mid-term evaluation will be returned with comments (no grade). A grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the semester.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Insightfulness. Overall, are the comments throughout the journal insightful and reflective?

·         2) Clarity/articulateness.

·         3) Thoroughness.

LECTURES (Worth 0-25% of grade).

The Le Moyne College community provides a variety of opportunities to hear interesting speakers, many of whom incorporate religious themes into their presentations. You may choose one of interest to you to attend. This activity requires that you attend a lecture and discussion and write a reaction/analysis to the ideas presented. If you complete this activity, you should attend the ENTIRE event. Thus, you should arrive on time to attend the entire presentation and question session. You should participate if possible. You will write an analysis of the presentation and question session. Here again, the analysis should be critical, not merely descriptive.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Problemation. How well does the entire paper hang together? Is there an appropriate introduction? conclusion? Is there a critical thesis or theme which holds the entire critique together? Organization.

·         2) Insightfulness. Do the points made in the critique go beyond the obvious?

·         3) Accuracy of interpretation. Does the critique accurately interpret the presentation or are there distortions which seriously weaken the critique?

·         4) Thoroughness

·         5) Mechanics

·         6) Clarity

GROUP PROJECT (Worth 0-25% of grade).

A group project includes two or more people in a common activity. Unless otherwise specified all participants receive the same grade for the activity. The activity can be reported orally or in written form (the group decides).

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Overall conceptualization and implementation of the project. How well thought out and executed is the project? Clarity of purpose.

·         2) Insightfulness of the conclusions and observations.

·         3) Creativity.

·         4) Extent to which the report brings together feelings, ideas, insights into a coherent whole.

·         5) Appropriateness of project to the course.

ARTWORK (Worth 0-25% of grade).

This might include works such as poems, paintings, cartoons, photographs, videotapes, sculptures, performances, and the like which you actually create. The object is to convey some religious/spiritual ideas, thoughts, or feelings through the use of symbols. These may be shared with the class or they may be shared only with the professor. In addition to the piece of artwork itself, you should attach a brief (2-4) page written statement which explains the purpose of the artwork and how you have attempted to accomplish it. The artwork can be evaluated by the professor and/or by some other person the student deems an appropriate judge (for example, an English professor for poetry).

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Ability to provoke thought; to take a unique perspective.

·         2) Ability to interest the audience (if appropriate).

·         3) Ability to illustrate the point being illustrated.

·         4) Relevance to the course.


You are to select a film, arrange to have it shown at an appropriate time during the semester, and lead a discussion of the film following its viewing. This may be an academic or relevant popular film.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Appropriateness of film to the course. Does the film fit into the flow of the course?

·         2) Overall preparation and execution of the project. Clarity of purpose. How well thought out is the entire project?

·         3) Ability to interest and involve the audience in the film/discussion.

Caveat: This activity should be completed no later than two weeks prior to the end of the semester.

GUEST SPEAKER (Worth 0-25% of grade).

You may want to arrange to bring to class a guest speaker on a particular topic. You would be responsible for setting up the time and place of the presentation, hosting the speaker, making sure an honorarium is paid (if appropriate), figuring out at what point the speaker would best fit into the structure of the course, introducing the speaker to the class, and, in general, be in charge of working out all the details associated with bringing a speaker into class. You will also be responsible for writing a 3-5 page analysis/reflection on what the guest speaker says and student response.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Appropriateness of speaker. Does the topic covered in the presentation fit into the course at the appropriate time during the semester?

·         2) Have you worked out all the details necessary in advance of the speaker actually appearing in class? This might include asking students to read a particular section of the already assigned reading materials, preparing special reading materials, or asking students to review materials already read.

·         3) Overall handling and control of the project. Did you "take charge"? Did you, throughout the entire project, work smoothly, efficiently, and professionally, to bring a speaker to class?

·         Note: Bringing a speaker to class does not merely involve asking someone to come to class. To be most effective there needs to be considerable thought and planning about how to use the expertise of the speaker most effectively---how to integrate him/her into the course content and format, etc.

Caveat: This activity MUST be completed no later than two (2) weeks before the end of the semester.

PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION (Worth 0-25% of grade).

This activity involves analyzing a public health issue/problem and taking appropriate action to try to improve it. The final grade would be based upon a formal written report which explains what was done and why it was done. This is not merely action, but it is informed action, so it has a research component, a strategic component, and an action component. Your final report should detail what you did, what you found, why you did what you did (religious/ethical reasoning), what the impact of your action was, what you learned from the experience, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Overall coherence of the project

·         2) Insightfulness of the observations/conclusions

·         3) Quality of the research effort and moral reasoning

·         4) Logical relationship between the research, moral reasoning, and the action

FIELD TRIP (Worth 0-25% of course grade)

This may include either a trip you take by yourself and others to some place of significance for the course (a healing shrine, a site of religious significance, a health/healing center, etc.) or you might arrange to take the entire class (or all those willing and able to go).  (There is the possibility for a bus trip to Montreal in April to visit St. Joseph's Oratorio.  I will let you know more later.)

Note: Upon completion of the trip a report (either written or oral) must be made in which you describe what you did to prepare for the trip, what you did on the trip, what was learned, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Overall preparation and implementation of the trip. How well-thought-out and executed was the trip? Clarity of purpose.

·         2) Insightfulness of the observations and conclusion in the report.

·         3) Creativity.

·         4) Extent to which the report brings together feelings, ideas, insights into a coherent whole.

GAME (Worth 0-25% of total course grade)

In addition to the game itself (which includes directions, appropriate equipment, etc.) there should be an accompanying written statement which details the purpose of the game and explains PRECISELY how the purpose is achieved by the game. The statement should be detailed, thorough, and precise.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Creativity. Is a unique perspective developed?

·         2) Insightfulness. To what extent does the game provoke interest?

·         3) Clarity. Are the directions clear? Is it relatively easy to play the game?

·         4) Operationalization. Does the game actually accomplish the stated objectives?

·         5) Uniqueness of the concept. Does the game merely "imitate" standard games or does it develop an entirely new concept?

TEACHING ASSISTANT (Worth 0-25% of course grade)

Only one student may become an assistant per course. The teaching assistant helps the professor organize and facilitate the class. Specific activities will be worked out between the student and the professor, but one would expect to be prepared to attend virtually every class, understand the overall direction of the class, understand and be sympathetic to the covenant and cooperative learning approaches to teaching, read all material prior to class discussion, lead selected discussions, take attendance, keep procedural class notes, keep track of homework, consult with the professor on a regular basis, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

·         1) Overall intensity of effort.

·         2) Ability to take initiative and demonstrate leadership.

·         3) Insightfulness and creativity.

·         4) Consistency.

OTHER (Worth 0-25% of grade).

The list of activities I have provided are meant to be suggestive, but not exhaustive. If you can develop new and unique activities, I encourage you to do so. However, you must discuss these with me and you must assist in the development of appropriate evaluation criteria and restrictions for those activities.