Fred Glennon, Ph.D. (Courses)
Professor  (RH 216)
Department of Religious Studies
Le Moyne College
Syracuse, New York 13214
(315) 445-4343




COR 100 FYS:  Faith and Justice in an Age of Violence and Terror


learning Covenant Guidelines

If you read the essay I assigned or watched the video on the learning covenant (on Canvas, Module 1: The Learning Covenant), you have a sense of what I mean by a learning covenant.  The learning covenant is an explicit agreement between the student, the professor, and other students concerning the involvement of the student in the class. As such, it sets down the formal requirements for your participation in this course. It lists the learning objectives the student will seek to achieve, the activities the student will perform to meet those objectives, and explicitly identifies the criteria which will be used by the professor to evaluate the student's learning. It has the following advantages over more traditional methods of evaluation: (1) it allows for greater individual flexibility and freedom on the part of the student to select those activities which she or he finds of most interest; (2) it states everything clearly and explicitly so that there is no confusion or ambiguity about what is expected; and (3) it allows the student an opportunity to take responsibility for his or her own learning.

Although this First Year Seminar is an optional course for you, Le Moyne College has certain objectives they require the course to achieve which I must honor. I also have some objectives for the course and for student involvement. The combination of these objectives constitutes the course objectives on the syllabus which every student must meet successfully to pass the course. However, learning is about more than meeting someone else's requirements. Learning is a life-long adventure that contributes to our development as mature, responsible persons in relationship with others. The learning covenant is a means to enhance your potential as life-long learners. That is why in addition to the required activities you have the opportunity in this course to meet an objective you have chosen based on your own interests and needs.

Before deciding on your objective, take the time to assess your learning needs. A learning need is the gap between where you are now and where you want to be in regard to certain competencies and abilities. These competencies can relate to your knowledge, your understanding, your skills, your attitudes, and your values. For example, do you want to learn more about the concepts of faith and justice? Do you need to enhance your analytical writing, public speaking, listening, or discussion leadership skills? Are you interested in appreciating the distinction between spirituality and religion? Clarity about your needs or interests can help you to be more specific about what objective you would like to pursue.

You are now ready to start listing your learning objective. A learning objective is a clear and concise statement that defines specifically what you want to learn. Your learning objective should describe what you will learn, in terms most meaningful to you, not what you will do to learn them. Look at the examples I have provided (course objectives and others). You should write one learning objective you intend to meet within the parameters of the course. (Of course, the optional activity may help you to meet more than one learning objective, but I encourage you to start small.)  Write the objective on the covenant in the space provided. Clarity is important because your objective will provide the basis for the final assessment activity, a self-assessment.

Once you have listed your objective, you will need to describe how you propose going about accomplishing it—your learning activity. I have provided a list of Activity Options which include the required activities and some options from which you can select to meet your objective, or you can identify your own (the final category is Wild Card). The key is to make sure that the activity selected helps you to meet your objective. For example, an objective to improve your ability to write analytically may lead you to attend and write a lecture critique. An objective to learn more about the history of 9/11may lead you to participate on the field trip to Ground Zero. Once you have identified your learning activity, write it on the covenant in the space provided.

Next you will have to give evidence that you have in fact achieved each objective. The list of Optional Activity Options provided includes the evidence associated with each option. However, you may select one of those options but offer different evidence to demonstrate your learning. Write the evidence you will provide in the space provided on the covenant.

After specifying what evidence you will provide for your objective, you must then specify the criteria by which the evidence will be evaluated. Make sure that the criteria are appropriate for each objective. On the document which lists suggested activities you will find "Evaluation Criteria" attached to each activity. These are evaluation criteria I am suggesting are appropriate to determine the quality of the project. You can make changes to those criteria on your covenant, but we will negotiate any disagreements. Only the evaluation criteria listed with each objective may be used by the professor to determine the quality of your evidence (and a grade). You should pay careful attention to them when completing your activities. It is also possible to have persons other than or in addition to the professor to evaluate your work. If you choose to do this, then you must state what their qualifications are and how they will express their judgments (e.g. rating scales, grades, etc.). I

In the final column of the covenant, you must identify due dates for each learning activity. I have selected due dates for the activities I require. You are in the best position, however, to determine when you have time to complete the optional activity you choose. Just remember: feedback is essential to learning. You will receive more feedback from me the earlier you complete your activities. Waiting until the end of the semester limits your chances for constructive feedback.

Finally, your learning activities (required and optional) will be weighed according to the percentages listed on the activity options sheet.  For example, participation = 20%; Ground Zero Field Trip= 15%; academic integrity exercises = 10%; reflection papers = 40%; and film review (or chosen option) = 15%).

After you have completed the first draft of your covenant, you will find it useful to review it with some members of the class to get their reactions and suggestions (you may also review it with others as well). Some questions they might ask about your covenant to help you include:

After consulting with your classmates, prepare a final draft of your covenant to turn in to the professor, which you must do no later than Monday, September 17 (on Canvas, under Assignments/Assessment Activities). I will review your covenant and make comments on Canvas.  Since this is new to some students, I will be glad to meet with you individually during the week of Sep. 10-14.  (You can ask after class to set up a meeting or send me an email). We will negotiate any revisions necessary at that meeting.  The final step is to carry out your covenant. Remember, the implementation of the covenant is your responsibility. Failure to fully implement any or all parts of your covenant may result in receiving a grade of "F" for those uncompleted sections and/or withholding of the final grade. Your covenant may be revised and/or modified any time prior to November 20