REL 405: Ethics from the Perspective of the Oppressed

Reflective Part of Paper



Recall that a primary goal of this social justice action project is to enable students to develop a more sophisticated view of social justice.  To do this, review what you first thought and wrote about social justice.  Compare that view of social justice with the view of social justice you state in your final paper or the view of social justice you now hold.  How did this project enable you to develop a better sense of what social justice is?  Does your view of social justice focus primarily on justice between persons or do you include institutional elements in your view of justice?  What components of the project were most helpful: the research, the action, the feedback, your own reflections, all of these?  If you did not deepen your sense of social justice, why do you think this was the case?  What elements of the project got in your way?  Or was there something missing?  Remember these questions are meant as a guide to your reflections on changes in your view of social justice.  Use them to guide your thinking, but don't feel like you have to answer each of them.