Read Me first: In this CD, there are two directories: Linux and Windows. Copy contents in either one of the directories to your PC's hard disk according to your PC's OS. The contents -- subdirectories -- are organized as follows: muon_data : open "muon" (type: application) for taking muon data. You may need to "freewrap" the program again on your PC. To do this, go into DOS command window, "cd" to the ../Windows/muon_data/ and type freewrap muon.tcl For Linux users, depending on your Linux version, you may have to instal TCL/TK and compile muon.tcl yourself. It is not possible for us to provide the excutable file for all Linux versions. What is included is for RED HAT 9.0. muon_simu : open "muonsimu" (type: application) for simulation. muon_util : "combine" combines any two data files; "grabdata" sifts muon decay events from a raw data file (usually the master file; "ratecalc" is a calculator that calculates muon trigger rate and muon decay rate from a raw data file. sample_data : contains, the data file from unit MB/D030008 taken in Sept. 2003 in Dallas. Tcl : TCL installation file. USB driver (Windows only) : USB drivers for Win98/me/2k. Please connect the USB cable and follow Windows OS directions for installing the drivers. Please also consult the manual for detailed information. Version release: V2.0 11/7/2004, by MATPHYS LLC in Dallas. Two major changes: (1) under ../muon_data/ and ../muon_simu/ programs called muon_demo and muonsimu_demo are added. In these two programs, the password for "FIT" button is removed. When "FIT" is pressed, it will carry out the fitting directly without asking for the passward. Once the number of muon decays reach 20, the fitting process will automatically start when a new muon decay event is detected. (2) a software bug is correct in proc readport, thanks to Xinsi Lin. This bug caused a loss of about 15% of the data due to a mistake in parsing the strings from the ports. The user is encouraged to loadlowd the USB drivers from the chip's web site for later versions. MATPHYS will no longer maintain the Linux version until further notice. Since the source code is provided, the users are enouraged to bring the Linux version up to date themselves should they decide to use Linux. MATPHYS may offer help. V1.10 10/10/2003, by MATPHY LLC in Dallas. Changed "proc saveornot" to speed up saving raw data file into 2/15/2004, by MATPHY LLC in Dallas. In "proc readport" change this line: if { $size } { to: if { $size == 3 } { v1.00 9/25/2003, by MATPHY LLC in Dallas. Known bugs: - too slow to merge the raw data file into - on some notebooks, the screen saver causes I/O problems. This is may be because the screen saver process does not give back the control to TCL so the serial port overflows. Advise: turn off screen saver. - TCL does not fully support Win98(SE) serial port. Advise: use USB.