HRM 702- Dispute Resolution                                                            Cliff Donn
Spring 2002                                                                                        Office R-228 Ext. 4339

Library Reserve List


Fisher and Ury, Getting to Yes

Eaton and Keefe, Employment Dispute Resolution and Worker Rights in the Changing Workplace

Walton and McKersie, A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiations
HD 6971.5

Voos, Contemporary Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector
HD 6508

Raiffa, The Art and Science of Negotiation
BF 637
.Nr R34

Belman et al., Public Sector Employment in a Time of Transition
HD 8005

Kleiner et al., Human Resources and the Peformance of the Firm
HD 57

Elkouri and Elkouri, How Arbitration Works
KF 3424

Kershen, Impasse and Grievance Resolution
HD 8008



Journal of Conflict Resolution:

Grieg, "Moments of Opportunity: Recognizing Conditions of Ripeness for International Mediation," Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 2001

Wall, Stark and Standifer, "Mediation: A Current Review and Theory Development," Journal of Conflict Resolution, October 2001

Diana Richards, "Reciprocity and Shared Knowledge Structures in the Prisoners Dilemma Game," Journal of Conflict Resolution, October 2001

Hirshleifer, "The Macrotechnology of Conflict," Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 2000

Garfinkel and Skaperdas, "Conflict without Misperceptions or Incomplete Information," Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 2000

Hwang and Burgers, "Apprehension and Temptation: The Forces Against Cooperation," Journal of Conflict Resolution, February 1999

Polzer, "Intergroup Negotiations," Journal of Conflict Resolution , December 1996

Kleiboer, "Understanding Success and Failure of International Mediation," Journal of Conflict Resolution, June 1996

Druckman, "Determinants of Compromising Behavior in Negotiation: A Meta-Analysis," Journal of Conflict Resolution, September 1994

Sopher, "Concession Behavior in a Bargaining Game: A Laboratory Test of the Risk Dominance Principle," Journal of Conflict Resolution, March 1994

Brams and Doherty, "Intransigence in Negotiations," Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 1993

Vuchinich and Teachman, "Influences on the Duration of Wars, Strikes, Riots and Family Arguments," Journal of Conflict Resolution, September 1993

Kaufman and Duncan, "A Formal Framework for Mediator Mechanisms and Motivations," Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 1992

Zubek et al., "Disputant and Mediator Behaviors Affecting Short-Term Success in Mediation," Journal of Conflict Resolution, September 1992

Farber, "An Analysis of Final-Offer Arbitration," Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 1980


Labor Law Journal:


Posthuma and Swift, "Legalistic and Facilitative Approaches to Arbitration: Strenghs and Weaknesses," Labor Law Journal, Fall 2001

Petersen and Boller, "Arbitral Responses to the Changing External Law of Discrimination," Labor Law Journal, December 1998

Keene, "Collective Bargaining and Compulsory Arbitration of Americans with Disabilities Act Claims," Labor Law Journal, December 1997

Donn, "Alternative Impasse Procedures in the Public Sector," Labor Law Journal, August 1981


Industrial Relations:


Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Kochan and Wells, "In Whose Interest?  A First Look at National Survey Data on Interest-Based Bargaining in Labor Relations," Industrial Relations, January 2001

Bingham and Mesch, "Decision Making in Employment and Labor Arbitration," Industrial Relations, October 2000

Wheeler, "Viewpoint: Collective Bargaining is a Fundamental Human Right," Industrial Relations, July 2000

Babcock and Taylor, "The Role of Arbitrator Uncertainty in Negotiation Impasses," Industrial Relations, October 1996

Bemmels, "Shop Stewards Satisfaction with Grievance Procedures," Industrial Relations, October 1995

Farber and Bazerman, "Why is There Disagreement in Bargaining," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 1987

Donn, "Games Final Offer-Arbitrators Might Play," Industrial Relations, October 1977

Stevens, "Is Compulsory Arbitration Compatible with Bargaining," Industrial Relations, February 1966


Other Journals:


Crawford, "A Theory of Disagreement in Bargaining," Econometrica, May 1982

Chelius and Extejt, "The Narcotic Effect of Impasse Resolution Procedures," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 1985

Farber, "Splitting-the-Difference in Interest Arbitration," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October 1981

Sosnick, "Non-Stoppage Strikes: A New Approach," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October 1964

Donn and Hirsch, "Making Interest Arbitration Costly: A Policy Proposal," Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, V.12, n.1, 1983

Feuille, "Final Offer Arbitration and Negotiating Incentives," Arbitration Journal, September 1977

Staudohar, "Quasi-Strikes by Public Employees," Journal of Negotiations in the Public Sector, Fall 1984

Zack, "Can Alternative Dispute Resolution Help Resolve Employment Disputes?" International Labor Review, V.136, n.1 Spring 1997

Dunlop and Zack, "The New Frontier of Employment Dispute Resolution," Perspectives on Work, V.1, n.1, 1997

Brett and Goldberg, "Dispute Systems Design," Perspectives on Work , V.1, n.1, 1997

Bingham, "An Update on Employment Arbitration and the Courts," Perspectives on Work, V.2, n.2, 1998