Definitions: Britain
ACAS - the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Amicus - one of the two largest trade unions in Britain, it is a union of predominantly private sector employees, especially in manufacturing
CBI - Confederation of British Industry - the major central employer federation in Britain
Central Arbitration Committee - formerly the Industrial Arbitration Board. Created in 1975, it retains the role of dealing with union requests for information from the employer for purposes of collective bargaining
Conservative Party - one of the two largest political parties. It has passed most of the legislation that restricts unions and collective bargaining
Institute of Directors - the second largest central employer federation in Britain
Labour Party - one of the two largest political parties. It is a party to which unions can directly affiliate
Liberal Democratic Party - the third largest political party in Britain
Social Contract - formal understanding between the unions and the Labour Party in the mid-1970s in which the unions offered wage restraint in return for favorable legislative action
TUC - Trades Union Congress - the central federation of British trade unions
Unofficial Strikes - those which occur without the prior approval of the responsible union officers
Unconstitutional Strikes - strikes occurring over grievances when the negotiated grievance procedure has not been fully exhausted
Unison - one of the two largest trade unions in Britain, it is a union of predominantly public sector employees