IRL 421 - Comparative Industrial Relations
Definitions: Australia
ACTU - The Australian Council of Trade Unions - The central trade union federation in Australia.
ALP - The Australian Labor Party.
Ambit - The difference in the positions of labor and management as indicated in their logs of claims and responses.
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - the major umbrella employer group in Australia.
Australian Industrial Relations Commission - the principal dispute settlement body under the federal arbitration system.
Bans Clause - A provision of an arbitration award prohibiting strikes or other industrial actions.
Basic Wage - A component of every worker's wages until 1967, which was deter mined independent of skill, profitability, or other considerations peculiar to that worker or her/his employer.
Common Rule - the application of the term of an arbitration award to other employers and employees who were not party to the dispute which produced the award. That is, the award is made applicable to the entire industry.
Consent Award - An award of an arbitration authority containing terms to which the parties have agreed.
Harvester Decision - The 1907 decision of the Arbit ration Court which began the system of basing wages on a "needs" criterion.
Liberal Party - The principal conservative party in Australia.
Log of Claims - A list of demands presented by one industrial party to another.
Margin - A wage component prior to 1967 which compensated for skill, difficulty, etc.
Over-Award Payments - Wages above those specified in the decisions of industrial tribunals.
Pastoral Industry - Non-crop agriculture, e.g. production of wool, lamb, an d beef.
Registered Agreement - A collectively bargained agreement submitted to the appropriate industrial tribunal so as to make it legally enforceable.