Definitions: India
Adjudication - arbitration of a compulsory nature performed by an industry or national tribunal.
AITUC - All-India Trade Union Congress - the oldest central union body, was affiliated with the Soviet-oriented Communist Party of India.
BJP - Bharatiya Janata Party - a "Hindu nationalist" political party which grew rapidly in the late 1980s and early 1990s and became the largest party in the governing coalition in the late 1990s.
BMS - Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh - One of the largest central union bodies in India. It has a "Hindu nationalist" orientation.
CITU - Center of Indian Trade Unions - the central trade union body that traditionally was affiliated with the Chinese-oriented Indian Communist Party.
Dearness Allowance - a component of wages that reflects changes in prices.
Employers' Federation
of India - the most important employer umbrella
organization dealing
with industrial-relations issues.
Gherao - a conflict tactic in which the manager is essentially held hostage in her/his office until concessions are made.
HMS - Hind Mazdoor Sabha - One of the largest central union bodies in India. It supports various socialist parties.
Indian National Congress - the group which led the Indian independence movement and became the most importan t political party in the post - independence period, the Congress Party.
Infrastructure - permanent capital structures which contribute to economic ouput. Examples include dams, reservoirs, roads and railways.
INTUC - India National
Trade Union Congress - the central union body affiliated with the Congress