421 – Comparative IR Systems II |
Donn |
Moyne College |
RH-228, Phone Ext. 4339 |
2004 | |
The focus of the course
is on alternative approaches to the structuring of labor-management relations
in different parts of the world (everywhere except for the economically
advanced nations of Western Europe and North America). The emphasis will
be on the similarities and differences between the overseas systems and
the United States system. There will also be some discussion of transnational
industrial-relations institutions.
The text book for this course
is Industrial Relations Around the World, by Rothman, Briscoe and Nacamulli.
Additional readings from a variety of other sources are on reserve at the library.
In preparing papers, you may find it necessary to consult off-campus libraries
(Syracuse or Cornell). The International Labour Review is the basic journal
in this field. Other English language journals which are useful but most of
which our library does not receive include the British Journal of Industrial
Relations, the New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, the Indian Journal
of Industrial Relations, the Journal of Industrial Relations (Australia),
and Economic and Industrial Democracy.
All students will take a comprehensive
final examination at noon on Tuesday, December 14. In addition, each student
will write two papers during the course of the semester. There will also be
an optional mid-term examination. For those who choose to take the mid-term
examination the papers will each count 20% of the final grade as will
the mid-term with the final examination counting 40%. For those who do
not opt to take the mid-term examination, the papers will each count
30% of the final grade and the final examination will again count 40%.
There will also be periodic internet assignments which must be completed accurately
and in a timely manner in order to pass the course.
If you have a documented
disability and you wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact
the instructor during the first week of class.
I Outline |
13 |
I |
29 |
Examination |
8 |
II Outline |
10 |
II |
22 |
Examination |
14 (Tuesday) 12:00-2:30 PM |
(* before a topic means
it will
NOT be covered in class)
Introduction |
A-Course Introduction |
30 |
B-Approaches to Comparative Studies |
Sep 1,3,8 |
The Advanced Capitalist Economies |
A-The U.S. Model Transplanted: The Case of Japan |
10,13,15,17,20 |
B-Arbitration in a Federal System: The Case of Australia |
22,24,27,29, Oct 1,4 |
Arbitration to Deregulation: The Case of New Zealand |
Less Developed and Newly Industrializing Economies |
A-Underdevelopment in Asia: The Case of India |
6,13,15,18 |
B–Underdevelopment in Africa: The Case of Nigeria |
20,22,25 |
C-Underdevelopment South of the Border: The Case of Mexico |
27,29, Nov 1 |
in a Politically Unstable System: The Case of Argentina |
3,5 |
Former U.S. Colony: The Case of the Philippines |
War to Prosperity: The Case of South Korea |
Worker Participation Systems |
A-The Union as Management: The Case of Israel |
8,10,12 |
Industrial Relations in the One Party State |
Controlled Trade Unionism: The Case of the of China |
15,17,19 |
Controlled Unions: The Case of Singapore |
Industrial Relations and Political Transformation |
A-Trade Unionism and the Transformation to Majority Rule: The Case of South
Africa |
22,29, Dec 1 |
Trade Unionism: The Case of Poland |
Transformation from Market Socialism to Democratic Market Capitalism: the
Case of Hungary |
Transnational Industrial-Relations Issues |
A-International Labor Bodies: The I.C.F.T.U., the W.F.T.U, and the International
Trade Secretariats |
3,6 |
B - Trilateralism: The International Labour Organization |
8 |
Conclusions |
10 |
I expect that you will
come to class each day on time, having done the reading assignment and
any assigned computer work and prepared to participate by asking and answering
questions and by expressing your opinions. I expect that you will ask questions
about anything you don't understand. I expect that assignments will be
done and turned in on time and that they will reflect the best work you
can do. I expect that you will contact me if you are having any problems
in the course or if you are having personal problems which may affect your
performance in the course. Overall, I expect you to work hard at getting
the most out of this course that you possibly can. In accordance with the
policies of the New York State Department of Education which accredits
Le Moyne College, you can expect to be assigned two to three hours of outside
work for each hour of class time in the course.
You can expect that
I shall come to class on time each day having thought about and prepared
the material. You can expect that I shall answer your questions to the
best of my ability and that your opinions will be heard with respect. You
can expect that your papers and exams will be graded carefully and returned
in a timely manner and that you will be given an explanation of why you
receive the grades you receive. You can expect that I shall make time to
se e you if you need to see me and that I shall keep regular office hours.
A serious commitment
to learning and a serious effort toward that end.
The successful student
in this course will be familiar with the basic structure of labor-management
relations in a variety of developed and less developed countries around
the world. The student will be able to compare and contrast institutions
and policies in those countries and will be able to compare and contrast
those institutions and policies with those of the United States.
The student should be able to evaluate critically media accounts of industrial-relations
developments overseas.
I. A. Approaches
- John Dunlop, Industrial
Relations Systems, Chaps. 1& 8
Clark Kerr, et al., Industrialism
and Industrial Man, Chap. 1, "The Logic of Industrialization," chap.
2, "The Industrializing Elites"
James G. Scoville, "Some
Determinants of the Structure of Labor Movements" in Adolf Sturmthal and
James G. Scoville,
The Inter national Labor Movement in Transition
Hugh Clegg, Trade Unionism
Under Collective Bargaining, Chap. 1
Dunlop, Chaps. 9,10
Kerr, et al., Chap. 4,
"Managers of Enterprise," Chap. 6, "The Workers: Impact and Resp onse,"
Chap. 7 "Industrial Relations Systems and the Rules of the Work Place"
Clark Kerr and Abraham
Siegel, "The Structuring of the Labor Force in Industrial Society: New
Dimensions and New Questions," Industrial and Labor Relations Review,
January 1955
Clegg, Chaps. 2-6
Dabscheck, "A Survey of
Theories of Industrial Relations," in Barbash and Barbash, Theories
and Concepts in Comparative Industrial Relations
Dekker, "The Concept of
Corporatism from an Industrial Relations Perspective," in Barbash and Barbash
II. A. Japan
- Taira, "Japan," in Rothman
et al.
- Nakamura and Nitta, "Developments
in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Practices in Japan," in Locke,
Kochan and Piore, Employment Relations in a Changing World Economy
- Watanabe, "The Japan Model and the Future of Employment
and Wages Systems," International
Labour Review, Vol. 139, no. 3, 2000
- Kwon, "Japanese Employment Relations in Transition,"
Economic and Industrial Democracy, August 2004
- Yasuo Kuwahara, "Japanese
Industrial Relations," in Bamber and Lansbury, International and Comparative
Industrial Relations
- Hanami, "Co-operation
and Conflict in Public Sector Labor Relations in Japan," in Gladstone, Current
Issues in Labour Relations: An International Perspective
- Cannings and Lazonick,
"Equal Employment Opportunity and the 'Mana gerial Woman' in Japan," Industrial
Relations, January 1994
- Ulman and Nakata, "Enterprise
Bargaining and Social Contract in Japan," Proceedings, IRRA Annual
Meeting, January 1994
- Clark and Ogawa, "Transitions
from Career Jobs to Retirement in Japan," Industrial Relations, April
- Motohiro Morishima, "Changes
in Japanese Human Resource Management: Implications for Firm Performance,"
Proceedings, IRRA Annual Meeting, January 1998
- Hirosuke Kawanishi, Enterprise
Unionism in Japan
- Houseman and Osawa, "Part-time
and Temporary Employment in Japan," Monthly Labor Review, October 1995
- Kuwahara, "The Future
of the Labor Movement in Japan: Experiments and Possibilities," Proceedings,
International Industrial Relations Association, Tokyo, 2000
- Nakata and Takehiro, "Employment and Wages of Japanese
Female Workers: Past, Present and Future," Industrial Relations,
October 2002
- Chuma, "Employment Adjustments in Japanese Firms During
the Current Crisis," Industrial Relations, October 2002
- Yukichi Takahashi, "The
Labor Market and Lifetime Employment in Japan," Economic and Industrial
Democracy, February 1997
B. Australia
- Bamber and Davis, "Australia,"
in Rothman et al.
- Dabscheck, "The Slow and Agonising Death of the Australian
Experiment with Conciliation and Arbitration," Jounal of Industrial
Relations, September 2001
- Lansbury and Bamber, "The
End of Institutionalized Industrial Relations in Australia," Perspectives
on Work, IRRA, V.2, n.1, 1998
- Lansbury and Davis, "Australian
Industrial Relations," in Bamber and Lans bury, International and Comparative
Industrial Relations
- McDonald, "Industrial Dispute Tactics in Australian
Manufacturing," Industrial Relations, January 2000
- Ian Hampson, "The End
of the Experiment: Corporatism Collapses in Australia," Economic and Industrial
Democracy, November 1997
- Lansbury and Niland, "Managed
Decentralization? Recent Trends in Australian Industrial Relations and Human
Resource Policies," in Locke, Kochan and Piore, Employment Relations in
a Changing World Economy
- Braham Dabscheck and John
Niland, Industrial Relations in Australia, Chaps. 3,5,6,9,10,12
- D. Plowman, et al., Australian
Industrial Relations, Chaps. 7,10,12
- Clifford B. Donn, The
Australian Council of Trade Unions: History and Economic Policy, Chaps.
1,2, Appendix to Chap. 2
- Perotin et al., "Equal
Opportunities Practices and Enterprise Performance: A Comparative Investigation
on Australian and British Data," International Labour Review,
V.142, no.4, 2003
- R. Lansbury and E. Davis,
"Employee Participation: Some Australian Cases," International Labour Review,
V.131, no.2, 1992
- Charlotte A.B. Yates, "Neo-Liberalism
and the Working Girl: The Dilemmas of Women and the Australian Union Movement,
Economic and Industrial Democracy, November 1996
*C. New Zealand
Boxall and Deeks, "New
Zealand," in Rothman et al.
- Bray and Walsh, "Different
Paths to Neo-Liberalism? Comparing Australia and New Zealand," Industrial
Relations, July 1998
Lawson, et al., "Devolution
of the Human Resource Function in New Zealand: A Case Study Approach,"
Journal of Employment Studies, October 1999
Harbridge and Howard,
"The Impact of the Employment Contracts Act on Collective Bargaining Structures
and Outcomes and Union Membership after Two Years," Employment Relations:
Theory and Practice Vol. 1
Penelope Cowen, "Labor
Relations Reform in New Zealand: The Employment Contracts Act and Contractual
Journal of Labor Research, Winter 1993
K. Hince and M. Vranken,
"A Controversial Reform of New Zealand Labour Law: The Employment Contracts
Act 1991," International Labour Review, V.130, no.4, 1991
Geare, The System of
Industrial Relations in New Zealand, Chaps. 3,4,5,6,7,9,10
Haworth, "Unions in Crisis:
Deregulation and Reform of the New Zealand Union Movement," in Frenkel,
Labor in the Asia-Pacific Region
III. A. India
Doshi, "India," in Rothman
et al.
Manik Kher, "Trade Unionism
in the Nineties in India: Deunionisation," Proceedings, 9th World
Congress, International Industrial Relations Association, August 1992
- Dasgupta, "Social
and Economic Security in India," International
Labour Review, V.141,
no.1/2, 2002
Lansky, "Economics of Child Labour in Hazardous Industries
of India," International Labour Review,
Vol.139, no.1, 2000
Ramesh, "The Indian Industrial
Relations System and Its Viability in the Context of Globalization," Proceedings,
International Industrial Relations Association, Tokyo, 2000
- Viswanathan Venkatachalam
and Rajiva K. Singh, The Political, Economic, and Labor Climate in India
- C.P. Thakur, "Labour Relations
in the Public Service in India," in Muneto Ozaki et al., Labour Relations
in the Public Service: Developing Countries
- N. Burra, "Out of Sight
Out of Mind: Working Girls in India," International Labour Review,
V.128, no.5, 1989
- B. Arora, "Participative
Management or Managed Participation - The Case of India," Economic and
Industrial Democracy, V.13, no.2, May 1992
B. Nigeria
Fashoyin, "Nigeria," in
Rothman et al.
Tayo Fashoyin, "Economic
Recession and Employment Security in Nigeria," International Labour
Review, Sept.-Oct. 1990
Eleazar C. Iwuji, "Nigeria,"
Abel K. Ubeku, Industrial
Relations in Developing Countries: The Case of Nigeria, Chaps. 3,4,5
Damachi and Fashoyin,
"Labour Relations in the Nigerian Civil Service," in Gladstone, Current
Issues in Labour Relations: An International Perspective
C . Mexico
Morales, "Mexico," in
Rothman et al.
- Posthuma et al., "Labor
and Employment Laws in Mexico and the US: An International Comparison, Labor
Law Journal, Fall 2000
- Francisco Zapata, "Mexico,"
- James L. Schlagheck, The
Political, Economic, and Labor Climate in Mexico
- Jose Rodriquez Vasquez,
The Political, Economic, and Labor Climate in Mexico, 1984 Supplement
- Fairris, "Unions and Wage Inequality in Mexico,"
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 2003
- Rodney Anderson, "Mexico,"
in Gerald Greenfield and Sheldon Maran, Latin American Labor Organizations
- E. Astorga Lira and S.
Commander, "Agricultural Commercialisation and the Growth of a Migrant Labour
Market Mexico," International Labour Review, V.128, no.6, 1989
- Dale Hathaway, Allies Across the Border: Mexico's 'Authentic
Labor Front' and Global Solidarity
D. Argentina
David R. Decker, The
Political, Economic, and Labor Climate in Argentina
Carlos F. Sanchez and
Aldo A. Arnaudo,"The Economic Power of Argentine Manufacturing Labor Unions,"
in Sturmthal and Scoville
Lisbeth Haas, "Argentina,"
in Gerald Greenfield and Sheldon Maran, Latin American Labor Organizations
Russell E. Smith, "Labour
and Wage Policy, Inflation, and Wages in Redemocratizing Argentina, 1982-1985,"
of the 25th Meeting, Canadian Industrial Relations Association, August
Bergquist, Labor in
Latin America, chap. 3
Mario Ackerman, "The Right
to Strike in Essential Services in MERCOSUR Countries," International
Labour Review, Vol.133, no.3, 1994
*E. The Philippines
Elias Ramos, "Philippines,"
Blum, International Handbook of Industrial Relations
Gatchalian, "Employee
Representation and Workplace Participation," Proceedings, International
Industrial Relations Association, Tokyo, 2000
Carmelo Noriel, "Labour
Relations and Development in the Philippines," in International Labour
Office, Labour Relations and Development: Country Studies on Japan,
the Philippines, Singapore, and Sri Lanka
Jaime T. Infante, The
Political, Economic and Labor Climate in the Philippines, Chaps. 4,5
*F. South Korea
Lee, "Korea," in Rothman
et al.
Taigi Kim, "Human Resource
Management for Production Workers in Large Korean Manufacturing Firms,"
in Frenkel and Harrod, Industrialization and Labor Relations: Contemporary
Research in Seven Countries
Kim and Yu, "Emerging
Patterns of Human Resource Management in Korea," Proceedings, International
Industrial Relations Association, Tokyo, 2000
Kim, "Korean Trade Union
Movement, Manpower Policy and Labor Market," Proceedings,
International Industrial Relations Association, Tokyo, 2000
Frenkel and Peetz, "Globalization
and Industrial Relations in East Asia: A Three Country Comparison," Industrial
Relations, July 1998
Freeman, "Repressive Labor
Relations and New Unionism in East Asia," Proceedings, IRRA Annual
Meeting, January 1994
Hwang-Joe Kim, "The Korean
Union Movement in Transition," in Frenkel
Se-Il Park, "The Role
of the State in Industrial Relations: The Case of Korea," Proceedings,
9th World Congress, International Industrial Relations Association, August
Kim and Feuille, "Works
Councils in Korea: Implications for Employee Representation in the United
Proceedings, IRRA Annual Meeting, January 1998
Bae, Chen and Lawler,
"Alternative Human Resource Management Systems in Korea and Taiwan," Proceedings,
IRRA Annual Meeting, January 1998
IV. A. Israel
Galin, "Israel," in Rothman
et al.
Yohanan Stryjan, "Self-Management:
The Case of the Kibbutz," Economic and Industrial Democracy, May
- Havel et al., "Institutional Change and Union Membership:
A Longitudinal Analysis of Union Membership Determinants in Israel,"
Industrial Relations, July 2000
- Harpaz, "International Report: The Transformation of
Work Values in Israel," Monthly Labor Review, May 1999
- Christopher Warhurst, "The
Management of Production and the Changing Character of the Kibbutz as a Mode
of Production," Economic and Industrial Democracy, November 1996
- Menachem Rosner, "Organizations
between Community and Market: The Case of the Kibbutz," Economic and Industrial
Democracy, August 1993
- Yonatan Reshef and Brian
Bemmels, "Poltical and Economic Determinants of Strikes in Israel: A Sectorial
Comparison," Economic and Industrial Democracy, February 1989
- Aviad Bar-Haim, "Workers'
Participation and Personnel Policies in Israel," International Labour Review,
V.127, no. 3, 1988
- Ben Israel, "Co-operation
and Conflict in Public Sector Labor Relations in Israel," in Gladstone, Current
Issues in Labour Relations: An International Perspective
- Michal Palgi, "Women in
the Changing Kibbutz," Economic and Industrial Democracy, February
V. A. People's Republic
of China
Coll, "People's Republic
of China," in Rothman et al.
Levine, Worker Rights
and Labor Standards in Asia's Four New Tigers, chap. 3, "The Industrial
Relations Scene," chap.4, "The ACFTU, Labor Law, and Labor Reform," chap.5,
"The Law, Contracts, Strikes and Dispute Settlement"
Ng Sek Hong, "A Current
Note on the Chinese Labor Movement," International Journal of Employment
Studies, October 1995
- Warner, "The Future of
Chinese Industrial Relations," Proceedings, International Industrial
Relations Association, Tokyo, 2000
- Chow et al., "Job Turnover in China: A Case Study of
Shanghai's Manufacturing Enterprises," Industrial Relations, October
- Frenkel and Peetz, "Globalization
and Industrial Relations in East Asia: A Three Country Comparison," Industrial
Relations, July 1998
- Wang and Ballut, "Chinese
Labor Relations in Transition: Where will all the Workers Go?" Labor Law
Journal, June 1995
- Ip, "A Case Study of Human
Resource Management Practices in the People's Republic of China," International
Journal of Employment Studies, October 1999
- George K.Y. Tseo, "Chinese
Economic Restructuring: Enterprise Development through Employee Ownership,"
Economic and Industrial Democracy, May 1996
- J. Han and M. Morishima,
"Labour System Reform in China and Its Unexpected Consequences," Economic
and Industrial Democracy, V.13, no.2, May 1992
- Bill Taylor, Industrial Relations in China
*B. Singapore
Ariff, "Singapore," in
Rothman et al.
Begin, "Singapore's Industrial
Relations System: Is It Congruent with Its Second Phase of Industrialization?"
in Frenkel and Harrod, Industrialization and Labor Relations: Contemporary
Research in Seven Countries
Ariff and Debrah, "The
Role of Industrial Relations Strategy in Ensuring National Economic Competitiveness:
The Case of Singapore," International Journal of Employment Studies,
October 1995
Tan, "Globalization and
National Industrial Relations Systems: Implications from the Singapore
Case," Proceedings, International Industrial Relations Association,
Tokyo, 2000
Chris Leggett, "Corporatist
Trade Unionism in Singapore," in Frenkel
Tan Boon Chiang, "Labour
Relations and Development in Singapore," in International Labour Office,
Relations and Development: Country Studies on Japan, the Philippines, Singapore,
and Sri Lanka
VI. A. South Africa
Wood and Harcourt, "The
Rise of South African Trade Unions," Labor Studies Journal, Spring
Joffe, Maller and Webster,
"South Africa's Industrialization: The Challenge Facing Labor," in Frenkel
and Harrod, Industrialization and Labor Relations: Contemporary Research
in Seven Countries
- Schultz and Mwabu, "Labor Unions and the Distribution
of Wages and Employment in South Africa," Industrial and Labor Relations
Review, July 1998
- Judy Maller, "Worker Participation
and Trade Unionism: Case Studies of Workplace Democracy in South Africa,"
Economic and Industrial Democracy, May 1994
- Clive Thompson, "Strategy
and Opportunism: Trade Unions as Agents for Change in South Africa," Proceedings,
9th World Congress, International Industrial Relations Association, August
- Andre Kraak, "Transforming
South Africa's Economy: From Racial-Fordism to Neo-Fordism?" Economic and
Industrial Democracy, February 1996
- "Sanctions and Their Effects
on Employment in South Africa," International Labour Review, V.130,
no.5-6, 1991
*B. Poland
Matey, "Poland," in Rothman
et al.
Ludwik Florek, "The Impact
of Industrial Relations on Political Transformations in Poland,"
9th World Congress, International Industrial Relations Association, August
P. Lazes, R. Johansen
and S Rudolf, "The Transformation of Polish Enterprises - A Difficult Process,"
and Industrial Democracy, V.13, no.4, November 1992
J. Bielasiak, "Self Management
and the Policics of Reform: Poland in the 1980s," Economic and Industrial
Democracy, V.10, no.3, August 1989
Andrzej Swiatkowski, "The
Role of the State in Industrial Relations in Eastern and Central Europe:
The Case of Poland," Proceedings, 9th World Congress, International
Industrial Relations Association, August 1992
Witold Morawski, "Industrial
Democracy and Power Structuration in the Polish Economy," in Gyorgy Szell,
Relations in Transition in Eastern Europe
*C. Hungary
International Labour Office,
Trade Union Situation and Industrial Relations in Hungary, Chaps. 3,5,6,7
Flanagan, "Institutional
Reform in Eastern Europe," Industrial Relations, July 1998
Frege and Toth, "The Cultural
Embeddedness of Labor Institutions: Lessons from Two Post-Communist Economies,"
IRRA Annual Meeting, January 1999
Ivan Volgyes, "Hungary:
the Lumpenproletarianization of the Working Class," in Triska and Gati
Csaba Halmos, "Political
and Economic Reform and Labour Policy in Hungary," International Labour
Review, V.129, no. 1, 1990
L. Hethy, "Political Changes
and the Transformation of Industrial Relations in Hungary," Proceedings,
9th World Congress, International Industrial Relations Association, August
A. Hars, G. Kovari, and
G. Nagy, "Hungary Faces Unemployment," International Labour Review,
V.130, no.2, 1991
E. Cukor and G. Kovari,
"Wage Trends in Hungary," International Labour Review, V.130, no.2,
Z. Lonti and J. Kervin,
"Transformation of the Hungarian Industrial Relations System," Proceedings,
IRRA Annual Meeting, January 1992
L. Hethy, "Hungary's Changing
Labor Relations System," in Gyorgy Szell, Labor Relations in Transition
in Eastern Europe
VII. A. International
Labor Bodies
J. Windmuller, "International
Trade Union Movement," in R. Blanpain and F. Millard, Comparative Labour
Law and Industrial Relations
Sturmthal, Left of
Center, Chap. "The Internationals and the Cold War"
R. Colin Beever, European
Unity and the Trade Union Movements, Chaps. 1, 2, 4
B. International Labour
Valticos, "The ILO: A
Retrospective and Future View," International Labour Review, March-April
Bellace, "ILO Fundamental
Rights at Work and Freedom of Association," Proceedings IRRA Annual
Meeting, January 1999
Freeman, "ILO Labor Standards
and US Compliance," Perspectives on Work, V. 3, n. 1
Lee Swepston, "The Future
of ILO Standards," Monthly Labor Review, September 1994
William Simpson, "The
ILO and Tripartism: Some Reflections," Monthly Labor Review, September
Don Smyth, "Achievements,
New Directions from 1994 ILO Conference," Monthly Labor Review,
September 1994
Gary B. Ostrower, "The
American Decision to Join the I.L.O." Labor History, Fall 1975
International Labour Office,
Impact of International Labour Conventions and Recommendations, Chaps.
Walter Galenson, The
International Labor Organization: An American View, Chaps. 1,5,6
Tadd Linsenmayer, "U.S.
Ends ILO Moratorium by Ratifying Two Conventions," Monthly Labor Review,
June 1988
Joseph P. Goldberg, "The
Landmark Provisions of Ratified ILO Conventions," Monthly Labor Review,
June 1988