Announcements for CJS/LGS/SOC 321 will be posted on this link. These may include changes to the class schedule, changes to quiz or assignment dates, additions or deletions to the reading list, changes in the requirements of assignments, etc. Please check this link at least twice every week to see if anything has changed. Posting of notices on this page constitutes official notification for puposes of this class.
This is just a reminder that leaving early for Columbus
Day or Thanksgiving or returning late from Columbus Day or Thanksgiving is
not permitted in this class. This is especially so because the class before
and after the Thanksgiving break are case presentations and attendance at
case presentations is mandatory in any case. Anyone who misses any of these
classes and does not produce a medical excuse will be given significant extra
assignments in order to pass the class or required to drop the class at the
instructor's discretion. |
This suggests some excellent
ideas for college students. |
The final examination will be as scheduled, Monday, December 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.. It will be held in SCA 100 |