SOC 245 - Presentation Rubric


This rubric is designed to give students guidance about what is expected of them in terms of how the presentations are evaluated.  The numbers will also be used as a “short-hand” method to make comments on your presentations.





Excellent (4)

Good (3)

Poor (2)

Very Poor (1)

Relevant Literature and Theoretical Concepts

The presentation is based substantially on scholarly sources. At least five such sources are used to a significant extent and the presentation is not primarily based on one or two sources. The material submitted after the presentation documents the sources used completely and correctly. The presentation demonstrates a thorough understanding of conceptual issues.

The presentation is based on scholarly sources to a significant extent. At least four such sources are used and the presentation is not primarily based on any single source. The material submitted after the presentation documents sources in a manner that is complete and mostly correct. The presentation demonstrates a fair understanding of conceptual issues.

The presentation is based on fewer than four scholarly sources and/or depends mostly on one such source. The material submitted attempts to document sources but is incomplete or substantially incorrect. The presentation demonstrates incomplete understanding of conceptual issues.

The presentation relies on very few sources or primarily on non-scholarly sources. Little or no effort may have been made to document the sources. Little or no use is made of conceptual or theoretical approaches.

Creativity in Presentation of the Material


The presentation demonstrates a high level of creativity in terms of the way the presentation is made. It shows considerable thought as to how the material can be made understandable to the class

The presentation demonstrates some creativity in terms of the way the presentation is made. It shows some thought as to how the material can be made understandable to the class

The presentation demonstrates little or no creativity in terms of the way the presentation is made and little thought about how the material can be made understandable to the class.

The presentation is poorly designed and confusing.

Creativity in the Analysis of the Topic The presentation demonstrates considerable originality in the way it attempts to analyze its central questions. The presentation demonstrates some originality in the way it attempts to analyze its central questions. The presentation demondstrates little or no originality in the way it attempts to analyze its central questions. The presentation demonstrates significant misunderstanding of the issues it presents.

Involvement of Class

The presenters have developed highly effective ways to involve the class in the presentation. The involvement has been well designed to help students understand and appreciate the issue being presented and is an integral part of the presentation.

The presenters have developed ways to involve the class in the presentation to a significant extent. The involvement complements the rest of the presentation in contributing to student understanding of the issue.

The presenters involve the class in the presentation to only a limited extent and/or use means of involvement that contribute little to student understanding of the issue.

The presenters have given little thought to mechanisms for involving the class so the involvement is very limited or poorly designed in terms of helping students understand the issue.