Group work on Orson Scott Card's "Middle Woman"

Break up into small groups.  Have at least one member of your group (1) prepare a summary of your group's discussion and (2) include a list of your group's members. If you are doing this as a student in the fall, 2020, section of the course and were not able to attend class the day we did this group work, please complete the work alone or with others and submit your answers through the canvas inbox or email to

Discuss your answers to the following questions.

1. Middle Woman is of the self-named. In the context of her life, what is the meaning of her name?

2. What are Middle Woman's most obvious virtues? Are they considered to be virtues in her culture? Why and/or why not? What about in your culture(s)?

3. What does Middle Woman do well?

4. Is Middle Woman a great-souled person? Why or why not?

5. What does Middle Woman teach us about the human spirit? Or, if you prefer, what is the moral of the story?

6. Discuss someone else (changing names as needed to preserve confidentiality) who is self-named.  In the context of that person's life, what is the meaning of their name?

Michael Kagan, for COR 400G/Philosophy 403,
Heroism and the Human Spirit, Le Moyne College
Last edited August 28, 2020