Group Work on on Plato's Apology

Break up into small groups. Then discuss the following. Delegate one or more members of your group to prepare an oral and written summary of your group's discussion. Make sure every member of your group has a copy of the responses.  If you were not present in class for this exercise, you may complete it (in less than 2 pages) as a typed assignment

1. What is the Apology about? Is this important? Why or why not?

2. What is a sophist? Is Socrates a sophist?

3. What is Socrates on trial for? -- What are the charges?

4. How does Socrates defend himself against these charges? What do you think of his defense?

5. Should Socrates be considered guilty? Why or why not?

6. What penalty does Socrates propose to the court? Is this a just penalty? Why or why not?

7. Which argument given was [pick one] the most (or least] convincing? Why?

M. Kagan, Le Moyne College
Last revised February, 2001

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