Group Work on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Books 2-7 and Kathryn J. Norlock’s “Feminist Ethics.“   [If you were not present for this group work, you can submit your own individual responses.]

 Break up into small groups. Delegate one or more members of your group to
(1) make a list of your group's members, and include that list when you
(2) post your group's responses to the following two questions here. 

Read Nicomachean Ethics, Books 2-7. Read Kathryn J. Norlock’s “Feminist Ethics.

Group work questions - Describe two virtues in terms of the principle of the mean. Critically evaluate Aristotle’s presentation of at least one of these using ideas found in the Norlock reading.

Michael Kagan
Le Moyne College
January, 2021