Group work for PHL 403 on Orson Scott Card's "Unaccompanied Sonata"

Break up into small groups. Delegate one or more members of your group to (1) prepare a summary of your group's discussion and (2) make a list of your group's members. Make sure each member of your group has a record of the discussion. [Note: Participation in group work counts as class participation.]

Discuss your answers to the following questions.

  1. When was Christian Haroldsen's future first planned?  Who planned it?  Why?

  2. Did Christian Haroldsen freely follow his choices or the choices of the planners in his decisions about listening to and/or making music?

  3. Do you know any people who love making music?  How, if at all, is their situation like C.H.'s?  

  4. Are there people like the Watchers in our society? If not, why not?  If so, who are they and how did they come to be like Watchers?  In "Unaccompanied Sonata," how does someone end up becoming a Watcher?  

M. Kagan
(Page last changed on January 12, 2012)

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Please send them to Michael Kagan,
Le Moyne College
Department of Philosophy
Syracuse, NY 13214  Email: