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2/22/2023 11:24 PM <dir> bkup
12/3/2024 11:39 AM 47817 c.h.SHM EnergyWithFvsY.cmbl
12/3/2024 11:39 AM 25699 C.hFinalSHMEnergyTemplateAnySpring.xlsx
10/8/2024 12:25 PM 17823 DevPatel.xlsx
11/8/2022 1:40 PM <dir> Downloads
11/8/2022 1:43 PM <dir> Downloads - Copy
11/8/2016 8:42 AM <dir> Fall2015
2/9/2022 9:29 AM <dir> Fall2016
3/30/2022 8:28 AM 13400 FinalSignUpSpring2022W8.docx
10/8/2024 2:53 PM 37648 GNAirResistance.cmbl
10/8/2024 3:10 PM 17789 GNAirResistanceSpreadSheet.xlsx
10/8/2024 11:35 AM 40848 LL AirResistance.cmbl
10/8/2024 11:42 AM 17848 LL Copy of AirResistanceSpreadSheet.xlsx
2/27/2024 1:54 PM 654416 Meredith Lovenduski.pdf
12/3/2024 1:13 PM 61094 moaid.cmbl
12/3/2024 1:49 PM 34197 Moaid.xlsx
10/8/2024 9:58 AM 37645 NB.cmbl
10/8/2024 10:02 AM 17887 NBCopy of AirResistanceSpreadSheet.xlsx
12/3/2024 10:43 AM 23114 P.w. of FinalSHMEnergyTemplateAnySpring.xlsx
10/8/2024 9:28 AM 17871 PW AirResistanceSpreadSheet.xlsx
10/8/2024 8:59 AM 41342 PW-AirResistance.cmbl
10/8/2024 10:54 AM 17817 xCopy of AirResistanceSpreadSheet.xlsx