Current Le Moyne Students: Remember to check your emails for more information (just search for messages from
Note: If you can't access the Canvas pages, for the due dates for these assignments, please see the syllabus for Philosophy 210, Moral Philosophy, MWF, Fall 2023
For those of you who have difficulty reuniting with your textbooks,
Here are links to some online versions of our Aristotle texts, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.
Following is the text of the March 18 email I sent about this quiz:
Dear Students,
Since I normally go over these quizzes in class when I hand them out, I thought it would be a good idea to do it here as well.
- Read the quiz carefully before you start.
- Remember one purpose of the quiz is for you to show off what you understand (another purpose is to give you an opportunity to increase your understanding by working on the quiz).
As I've mentioned to some of you in previous emails:
You can choose either question for the take-home. (If you choose to do the optional quiz, answer the other question as well.) Short paragraphs would probably work well to answer each question. You can break down your answer into sections as follows:
If you choose question 1:
The first section would name the 3 people and briefly explain what they have done and who they are.
The second section would explain what makes them excellent and might itself be divided into different parts, perhaps a part for each person you listed.
If you notice something interesting or important from doing this, you can add a third concluding section explaining that.
If you choose the question 2, you'll notice that it contains 4 questions. To answer it, you would write a 4 part answer (short paragraphs would probably work better here, as well) addressing each question. Again, if you notice something interesting or important from doing this, you can add an additional concluding section explaining that.
For question 1 and question 2, make sure to cite your sources completely (in any standard style that will make it easy for you or me to identify your source, and find it if it can be found). Cite them all, including classmates, other classes, books, websites, etc.
Looking forward to reading these!
– Michael KaganP.S. Here are links to the quiz, course materials, and our updated syllabus:
This excellent overview provides historical background, gives bibliographic and internet linking information, distinguishes and discusses different approaches. It also includes a very useful presentation of issues related to feminist ethics of care (e.g., Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings).